A New New Testament: Are You Serious?
Originally posted on Daniel B. Wallace:Just released from the giant publishing firm, Houghton Miflin Harcourt: A New New Testament: A Bible for the 21st Century Combining Traditional and Newly...
View ArticleHow Do We Know the Old Testament is Valid?
I’ve been reading the Old Testament straight through, struggling at times with the accounts reported in the ancient texts. Admittedly, if someone at a party started telling these stories we’d all...
View ArticleWho Wrote the Bible? (Part 2)
In the first part of our new series entitled “Who wrote the Bible?” we explored the human authors of the Old Testament. With this post let’s turn our attention to the writers of the New Testament. In...
View ArticleDiscipleship Candy
One of the really cool benefits of writing a blog like Veracity is all the backdoor sharing. People are constantly bringing things to our attention or sharing some thought, question or resource from...
View ArticleCan We Still Believe the Bible? A Review
This may sound like an odd way of introducing a book review, but hang with me…. In his 1959 novel, The Manchurian Candidate, Richard Cordon writes about an American serviceman, captured during the...
View ArticleThe Bible With and Without Jesus: Jews and Christians Reading Scripture...
Jews and Christians read the same stories in the Bible differently: So argues Jewish Bible scholars Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler, as the sub-title to their 2020 book, The Bible With and...
View ArticleChristian Urban Legends
Were the shepherds at the birth of Christ really despised, social outcasts? This popular story makes for a great Christmas sermon message, namely that lowly, poor shepherds, having the social...
View ArticleForgery and Counterforgery, by Bart Ehrman. A Multi-Part Review
Is it possible that some of the books found in our Bible were actually literary forgeries, deceptively written books snuck into the canon of Scripture, unbeknownst to unsuspecting leaders in the early...
View ArticleForgery and Counterforgery: Do Forgeries Exist in Our New Testament?
What does ChatBot AI have to say about who wrote the New Testament? This is the second post in a multi-part series reviewing Bart Ehrman’s Forgery and Counterforgery. Nowhere does the seriousness of...
View ArticleForgery and Counterforgery: What About the Pastoral Letters?
Did Paul really write 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus? Or are they forgeries? Or something else? In this third blog post reviewing Bart Ehrman’s Forgery and Counterforgery, we examine what is perhaps...
View ArticleForgery and Counterforgery: Allonymity as Benign Pseudepigraphy
Is it possible for a letter to be written under the name of a famous person, sometime after the death of that famous person, and yet it NOT be considered a forgery? In this fourth post in our Veracity...
View ArticleForgery and Counterforgery: What If Ehrman is Right?…(But Why He Is Wrong...
Finally, in this last of a five part series, reviewing Bart Ehrman’s Forgery and Counterforgery, I want to play a bit of “devil’s advocate.” What if Bart Ehrman is correct about forgeries in our New...
View ArticleHow Many Donkeys Did Jesus Ride on Palm Sunday?
A common objection to the Bible raised by critics is that the Gospel accounts contradict one another. A most famous example is Jesus’ “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem, celebrated in many churches with...
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